the Swedish Viking game

Spareparts for Kubb Original Hardwood
Kubb king, throwing stick, corner post or knight
Spareparts for Kubb Rubberwood with red crown
Kubb king, throwing stick, corner post or knight
Spareparts for Kubb game World cup
Kubb king, throwing stick, corner post or knight
Kubb drawstring bag
Kubb cotton drawstring bag
6,50€*Weight0.5 kg
Kubb Court Marking
Kubb Court Marking for the playing field
Kubb backpack
The perfect Kubb backpack for carrying your Kubb game.
22,50€*Weight2 kg
Kubb Original Hardwood
The original Swedish Kubb game. This version made of high-quality, heavy birch wood is our classical, most popular Kubb game.
28,95€*Weight4.8 kg
Kubb Family FSC
Sustainable Kubb game made from 100% FSC-certified pine wood. This high-quality design is perfect for outdoor fun with family and friends.
31,90€*Weight4.2 kg
Kubb Rubber wood
premium quality Kubb game
46,90 €37,90€*Weight6.7 kg
Viking Chess "Wikingerschach® Basic"
The original viking chess made of birch wood
39,95€*Weight5.5 kg
Throwing Game Vertical Kubb "Active"
Kubb – played stacked!
39,99€*Weight2.28 kg
Kubb Rubberwood with red crown
The high-quality Kubb game is made of hard rubber tree (plantation wood). The dimensions of König and Kubbs guarantee good stability and are very robust. The red crown of the Kubb king is particularly appealing...
46,90€*Weight6.7 kg
Kubb with red crown Kubb - Beechwood from the Alpes
Premium Kubb made of beech wood! The game is produced sustainably by a traditional company in Italy and has a very high-quality.
56,90€*Weight8 kg
Kubb Black Edition - to paint yourself
Black Kubb game to paint yourself - limited edition!
56,90€*Weight6.7 kg
Kubb Game World Cup – Limited Edition in tournament size with optional wooden box
The special tournament edition, 100% sustainably crafted in southern Germany
from65,90€*Weight12 kg
Kubb Tournament Beechwood from the Alpes
A quality Kubb game from the Alps
69,90€*Weight9 kg
Kubb game Competition Rubberwood
the tournament edition
75,90€*Weight8.7 kg

Further information about Kubb:

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